Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Slim Down with Scents

Trying to keep up with your New Years Resolution?

We all know that Gold Canyon’s fragrances are so true-to-life that they can take us back to a place, a feeling or a special memory. Did you also know that fragrances are now being proven to suppress appetites, lose weight and curb temptation? Here's the intriguing details and be sure to recommend these fragrances to your friends and family so they can enjoy the far-reaching benefits of fragrance for themselves!


Researchers at Osaka University in Japan found that exposing rats to the scent of grapefruit oil for 15-minute intervals three times a week helped reduce not only their appetite, but their weight. Inhale this fresh citrus scent and dial back the portion of your next meal. To try it for yourself, enjoy using a Yuzu & Ruby Red candle or Scent Pod®.

Apple or Peppermint

Battle temptation with a whiff of your favorite fruit or peppermint. In a study at the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, overweight people smelled green apple or peppermint when they felt a craving—and lost more weight than the non-sniffers. Try fragrances like Apple in our Diamond Light Heritage Collection or Peppermint from Gold Canyon Candles Infusion Aromatherapy line.
Shop Online at igotcandles.com

Source: Angela Kwan, Everyday Scents that Boost Weight Loss, Fitbie.msn.com

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